The Venture Spirit

A few weeks ago Venture Martial Arts celebrated Venture Spirit Days! Students were encouraged to dress to represent Venture in the school colors of green, white, and black. They had an amazing time in wacky costumes, uniforms, and school gear. The school spirit radiated through the entire dojang and it was awesome to see so many students showing their love and support of Venture. That got us thinking, what is the Venture Spirit? 

Our goal in teaching taekwondo is to have each and every student venture to a better life. We want to set everyone up for success in life by following three principles. These principles help students reach their peak physical performance, take control of their mental health, and become better people. By following this method students find the Venture Spirit, filled with courage, discipline, and happiness.

Healthy Physical Habits:

The first principle is healthy physical habits. We encourage a healthy diet filled with balanced macronutrients and drinking plenty of water. By attending classes students exercise regularly and are empowered to practice at home. Practical application training builds the foundation for their bodies to function well in their everyday lives and gives them the confidence to defend themselves in any situation.

Healthy Mental Habits:

We believe that mental health is just as important as physical health. By learning and training the nine life skills in every class- confidence, integrity, perseverance, discipline, dedication, attitude, focus, goals, and respect- they become the best versions of themselves. A strong spirit is built on the foundation of a positive attitude and unwavering values. That’s what we teach each and every day. 

The Venture Outlook on Life:

A Venture outlook on life begins with a positive attitude and never giving up no matter the circumstances. While training taekwondo there will always be failures and successes, whether that is at tournaments, belt testings, or even learning new skills. Each challenge is an opportunity to grow and builds resilience. We see each moment as a test to become the best version of ourselves and never quit until a goal is achieved. There will always be mountains to climb but with physical and mental health, the top is never out of reach.

By following these three principles students are given every tool to adopt the Venture Spirit. As a community, we are a family of Martial Artists that love and support each other. Our students love to show school spirit because Venture is a second home, and they have the Venture Spirit. To learn more about our program, click here.