2022 is coming to an end and everyone has their eyes set on 2023. With that, many people are setting New Year’s Resolutions, or goals that they want to accomplish. We know that this is the case for many adults, they want to lose weight, get a new car, get a promotion, etc, but what...Read More
People start taking taekwondo because they want to make a change in their life. Maybe they are looking for a fun way to exercise, or maybe they want an activity for their kids. While Martial Arts training has many great benefits, the best of all of them is that it can quite literally change your...Read More
Martial Arts training has many benefits, but one of the best ones is the lifelong friendships established during classes. When you step on the floor for the first time, it is likely that you don’t know anyone. But everyone is working towards the same goal, to become a Black Belt. Since students are grouped in...Read More